Reason #1: It keeps you fit. Electric bikes don't run on their own and all the pedaling to keep the motor running burns calories as you traverse the miles. According to Hervé Douard, a member of the French Cardiology Federation, such low-strain regular exercise is good for our health. Such activity is claimed to reduce heart problems by 30 percent. However, keep your eyes open when you're riding: bicycle accidents in Paris have raised by 20 percent in the last two years.
Reason #2: It's green. Despite the unavoidable reality that a "regular" bike is actually greener, electric bikes make it easier for more people to switch from fossil-fueled transport to electric drive; to vehicles that use very little electricity on every ride.
Reason #3: It's affordable. Don't think that a new electric bike will ruin your wallet. You can get a cheap one for €1,000 euros and a reasonably good model for €2,500. Add on the lithium package, for about €450 more, and you likely won't regret it. According to Vélocito, a specialist in electric bikes, your yearly commute on an electric bike will not cost you more than €5 per year in utility charges. Don't forget that you won't need insurance, oil changes or MOT-like checkups.
Reason #4: The Dutch buy about 100,000 electric bikes per year, in a country with a population six times smaller than France. The market is large enough to have a variety of models, from cheap to sporty. French sports apparel chain shop Decathlon is now offering a model at €999. Oh, those of you living in an apartment and/or often take the train, consider a foldable electric bike.
Reason #5: It's really convenient in city traffic. According to most European studies about city mobility, bikes are the fastest means of transportation in cities, right after motorbikes. That's why there are quite a number of courier services that rely on bikes. The French postal service ordered 5,000 units for its inner city deliveries as well.
Reason #6: There are more and more places for you to ride. Did you know that there are more than 40,000 km of bicycle-friendly routes across Europe? We dare you to ride them all. When you're done, check out the similar network in the U.S.
Fonte: Le Figaro
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