terça-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2009

Obama: esperança e responsabilidade

3 comentários:

Ricardo Mexia disse...

Claro que se fosse o Bush a enganar-se no discurso de tomada de posse, era um burgesso...
Como foi o Obama, estava só nervoso...

André Miranda disse...

Ricardo, a culpa não foi do Obama foi do juiz do Supremo Tribunal dos EUA, John Roberts, que lhe deu posse.

Vê aqui a explicação:

"But at one point, Obama paused abruptly after Roberts reversed several words in the oath. The oath includes the phrase "that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States," but Roberts didn't say "faithfully" until after saying "president of the United States."
Obama apparently realized that something was out of order.
Roberts then repeated the phrase correctly, putting "faithfully" in the right place after execute: "faithfully the office of president of the United States."
But Obama instead repeated Roberts' original, incorrect version: "... the office of president of the United States faithfully."
Later, as they shook hands before a lunch in the Capitol, Roberts chatted briefly with Obama and appeared to say the mistake was his fault, not Obama's."

Luís Viegas disse...

Será que foi por causa desse engano que a bolsa de Wall Street caíu nesse dia 5%?